How do you ship the birds?

We ship all our birds via a pet airlines or cargo service so that they are properly taken care of. They are shipped in either wooden carriers or plastic pet kennels. They ride in a special climate controlled and pressurized compartment on the plane. They are not shipped in the same compartment as the passenger luggage. We use the airlines because it is the fastest way to transport the birds worldwide. Although traveling is not that hard on them, we do not like to make them spend any more time than absolutely necessary in transit. For this reason we also look for the shortest route and always schedule direct flights if possible.

Is shipping hard on the birds?

It has been our experience that shipping is not hard on the birds. Our parrots are exposed to a wide variety of things while being raised in our nursery and home. As far as they are concerned, it is perfectly normal for them to get on an airplane on the 60-100th day of their life and go for a trip. About the only sign of any stress is sometimes on the post ship veterinarian exam, there is a slightly elevated growth of gram negative bacteria but this is a fairly normal reaction to being shipped. When they get to their new homes, sometimes it Aakes them a day or two to settle in.

How much does it cost to ship a bird?

We simply pass along what it costs us to ship a bird. The shipping cost is what the airlines charge. Other costs include a pet carrier $25-$65. In addition a Vet Health Certificate may be required by some airlines (S35). Approximately, shipping will cost $150 and at most $250. Most at times we pay for all these cost ourselves.

Can I save money on shipping?

Yes, slightly

Can I ship with usps or ups mail?

Sorry, we have no experience with UPS or US Mail on live shipments, as far as we know they do not do this. Several airlines have experience shipping animals including birds.

Has a bird ever died during shipping or get lost?

No. The worst that has happened is one time the bird missed a connecting flight, but the airline was able to get the bird on the next scheduled flight, and the bird arrived safely and in good health with only a three hour de

Do you ship out of the country?

We ship worldwide. Although few people are willing to pay for the extra costs involved.

How do you determine the sex of the bird?

With most species of parrots, sex of the bird cannot be determined accurately by visual inspection because they have no external sex organs. To determine the sex of the bird, there are two common methods. One is surgical sexing which requires putting the bird under anesthesia, making an ipcision in the abdomen of the bird, and then inserting a small laparoscope and visually identify the sex of the bird. The other method is much less intrusive and involves taking a drop of blood from the birds cut toenail and sending it to a lab for DNA analysis.

What do you feed your birds?

Fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, melons, grapes, pears, kiwi
Vegetables: corn, beans, peas, carrots (cooked slightly in microwave. soft but crunchy), yams (cooked the same as carrots), broccoli, spinach (fresh), kale, mustard greens, bell peppers, potatoes (cooked or mashed).
Rice, Pastas, Grains: long grain rice, noodles, 12 bean soup (we just cook it up and then drain it), bread (they like this, we just give them small pieces now and then)
Proteins: cooked eggs, cooked chicken.

Is there anything my bird should not eat?

Harmful Plants (first source): Amaryllis–bulbs, American Yew, Avocado, Azalea-leaves, Balsam Pear – seeds, outer rind of fruit, Baneberry – berries root, Bird of Paradise – seeds, Black Locust – bark, sprouts, foliage, Blue-green Algae – some forms toxic, Boxwood – leaves, stems, Buckthorn – fruit, bark, Buttercup – sap, bulks, Caladium – leaves, Calla Lily – leaves, Castor Bean – also castor oil, leaves, Chalice Vine/Trumpet vine, Christmas Candle – sap, Clematis/ Virginia Bower, Coral Plant – seeds, Cowslip/Marsh Marigold, Daffodil – bulbs, Daphne – berries, Datura – berries, Deadly Amanita, Death Camas, Delphinium, Deffenbachia/Dumb Cane – leaves, Eggplant – fruit,
Elephants Ear/Taro – leaves, stem, English Ivy berries, leaves, English Yew, False Henbane Fly Agaric Mushroom – Deadly Amanita, Foxglove – leaves, seeds, Golden Chain/Laburnum
Hemlock – also water the plant is in, Henbane – seeds, Holly – berries, Horse Chestnut/Buckeye – nuts, twigs, Hyacinth – bulbs, Hydrangea – flower bud, Indian Turnip/dack-in-Pulpit Iris/Blue Flag – bulbs, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Japanese Yew – needles, seeds, Java Bean – Lima bean – uncooked, Juniper – needles, stems, berries, Lantana – immature berries,
Larkspur, Locoweed
Lords and Ladies/Cuckoopint, Marijuana/Hemp – leaves etc.

So what is safe for my birds?

House and Outdoor Plants
Acacia Aloe, African Violet, Baby’s Tears, Bamboo (Our parrots in Heaven-parrotaviary love Bamboo), Begonia, Bougainvillea, Chickweed, Christmas Cactus, Cissus/Kangaroo Vine, Coffee Coleus, Corn Plant, Crabapple, Dandelion, Dogwood, Donkey Tail, Dracena Varieties, Ferns (asparagus, birdnest, boston, maidenhair), Figs (creeping, rubber, fiddle leaf)
Figs (laurel leaf), Gardenia, Grape Ivy, Hen’s and Chickens, Herbs (e.g. oregano, rosemary, thyme), Jade Plant, Kalanchoe, Marigold, Monkey Plant, Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, Nasturtium, Natal plum
Pepperomia, Petunia, Pittosporum, Prayer Plant, Purple Passion/Velvet Nettle, Schefflera (Umbrella), Sensitive Plant, Spider Plant, Swedish Ivy, Thistle, Wandering Jew, White Clover Zebra Plant etc.

How long do the birds take to wean?

Weaning time varies by parrot species and also depends on how much experience the person has that is doing the hand feeding. For most cockatoos expect 4 months, this also applies to the large macaws. We wean our Greys and Eclectus around 100 days. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is weaning a baby too early, so we take our time and allow the babies to tell us when they are ready.